
Press material

Press coordinator:

Henriette Kudsk

M: +45 6135 9835

A documentary-theater-play

Welcome to Denmark

As the rest of Europe,  Denmark experience the largest influx of refugees in more than 20 years. Government officials deny and approve asylum seekers on a daily basis. Hard choices that might cause death and torture for those sent back based on an incorrect adjudication. But on what grounds are these decisions made? Who deserves and who does not deserve asylum in Denmark?


Some criteria's are evident from Danish law and international conventions. But most asylum-cases are not only about legal paragraphs, but also about the credibility of the individual asylum-seeker. Personal details about politics, faith and sexuality can be crucial when the case ultimately ends up in front of the Danish Refugee Appeals Board.


Four unique performances

PARADOX INTERTAINMENT has created 4 unique performances, that let you experience the system from within. Every evening we present a new asylum-story. You -  the audience  - play the part of the Danish Refugee Appeals Board. To whom will you grant asylum? Who will you deny?


Spring of 2015 “Welcome to Denmark” was performed in central Copenhagen, Politikens hus.

It is presently touring Denmark.  Dates will be published on this website.


See trailer



Ph.D. in human rights and member of the Danish Refugee Appeals Board:

Thomas Gammeltoft Hansen.

Actor and author: Mehrdad Zamani

Actor and producer: Henriette Rosenbeck

Asylumseekers as themselves: Zach Khandudu,  Asif Danishyar, Noura Bittar Søborg and Shahin Eskandari.

Foto: Politiken

Odense Teater
den 9. november 2016  ––>

Nørrebro Teater
den 28. februar og
1. marts 2017

September 2017:

13/9 Teater Momentum, 14/9 Limfjordsteatret, 15/9 Limfjordsteatret og Morsø Gymnasium


Januar 2018

23/1 Teater Katapult

24/1 Team Teatret

25/1 Teater Norkraft

26/1 Teater Nordkraft

18/1 Det Frie Felts Festival, Kbh.

Foto: Politiken